Peruvian Inca Blend

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During our travels to Peru while procuring Peruvian Pink Salt, we discovered that every family, household, and restaurant we shared meals with used a very particular salt & spice blend that was amazingly addictive!

From chicken to fish, pork to potatoes, this blend kept appearing on our meals and varied between households with specific ingredients and amounts. We quickly fell in love with this classic blend and set out to make our own version!

Back in the States, we played around for months with different ingredients, amounts, and quantities but there was something missing; the famous Aji Amarillo Chili Pepper! This pepper is native to Peru and is sweet, flavorful, with a touch of heat and so just so happens to be one of the key ingredients in a Peruvian cuisine.

Reaching out to our contacts and family in Peru, we were finally able to get a hold of these tasty peppers to complete our Peruvian Inca Blend...and it is addicting!:)

We put our own touch on this classic with a flavor profile that is crunchy, savory, and spicy with a lot going on that makes it incredibly versatile and unique!

Try it on: Anything chicken (fried, seared, baked, breaded, grilled), roasted fish, scallops, corn, fries, rice, burgers, popcorn, veggies, salads....everything!

Hand-mixed from: Peruvian Pink Salt, Aji Amarillo Chili Pepper, Garlic, Black Pepper, Annato, Cumin, Onion, Smoked Paprika, Spices, Lime.

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